11.00 H.T

POWER SPRAY is a ready-to-use, fast-acting disinfectant. It is a Class IIa disinfectant medical device.

Main Features:
POWER SPRAY is a ready-to-use broad spectrum disinfectant effective against bacteria, fungi, HIV, HCV and HBV.
The main ingredient in POWER SPRAY is didecyl dimethylammonium chloride along with chlorhexidine and ethyl alcohol. Fragrant and dye-free. It does not stain or corrode fabrics and plastics and dries easily.
POWER SPRAY is commonly used in dentistry between patients, due to its rapid disinfection of tools such as instrument stands, work surfaces, lamps, chairs and dental chair sinks, even on surfaces with organic residues on which it has effective disinfection.

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Gagnez 13 points
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Weight 1.200 kg